The purpose of this page is not to prove that only bad people believe in God. This page's purpose is to demonstrate the many atrocities done in the name of God. Just as many believers believe they are acting in accordance with the will of god while committing acts of charity, others believe the same while committing acts of atrocity. Supporting scriptures for either can be found.
The Inquisitions : (1231 -1834) The Roman Catholic Church eliminates dissenters, Jews, witches and anyone out of favor with the church under heresy including astronomer Galileo.
The Crusades : In the 11th cent. the Fatimid caliph Hakim began to persecute the Christians in Jerusalem. Pope Urban II called upon Christendom under the call of "Deus Vult"- "God wills it" to recapture the Holy Land. This leads to the robbing and massacring of Muslims and Jews by European armies and the recapturing of Jerusalem. The follow up crusades (II-IX) Led by Emperor Conrad III (Rome), King Louis VII (France), Pope Gregory VIII, Richard I (England), Philip II (France), Pope Innocent III, King Andrew II (Hungary), Duke Leopold VI (Austria), Louis IX (France) and Prince Edward (England) were reinforcements for the Christians who were holding territory in the Holy Land. Many of the battles were a losing effort for the Crusaders and the recapture of Jerusalem and all Christian strongholds by the Muslims.
Palestine, Israel and Jerusalem: Considered a holy land by Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Palestine was originally a Hebrew kingdom that was invaded by just about everyone. Many of the Jewish people left or were driven out into Europe. Palestine and Jerusalem were under Muslim control following the last of the Crusades. In the 19th century Jews began settling in Palestine in an attempt to establish a Jewish homeland. Following Hitler's Holocaust of the Jews in Europe, the movement gained more support. The Jewish state of Israel in Palestine was proclaimed and backed by Christian allies Britain and the US. Many Christians believe that the returning of the Jews to Jerusalem was the fulfillment of a prophesy in the bible. Israel with western help went to war and captured Palestine. Today Israel is still at odds with the Muslim world and it's neighbors and at war from within by Palestinian terrorists.
Jihad : Muslim word meaning "Holy War"; used as a battle cry for radical islam that focuses on the more hateful and separationist ideas of the Koran against non Muslim cultures and interests especially Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and Western Culture.
more to come:
catholics vs. protestants
dark ages
Salem Witch Trials
Jones Town
Heaven's Gate
anti-sematism/ Holocaust
gays/ matthew sheppard
"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.."
--Hitler (Mein Kampf, Chapter 2) more
"We, the Order of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, reverentially acknowledge the majesty and supremacy of Almighty God and recognise His goodness and providence through Jesus Christ our Lord."
--Ku Klux Klan creed (from the Constitution and Laws of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan )
"God has revealed to me that those doing battle for Allah and our country and meet death will immediately go to Heaven."
-The Ayatollah Khomeini (1984)
"God is on our side, and Satan is on the side of the United States."
---Saddam Hussein
I talk to my only friend Jesus our "LORD"! I know "JESUS" understands my terrible desires and ect. I have tords little boys! And the main reason I murdered them little "BOYS", is because our society is so "AGAINST" the fact of "CHILDREN-DOING-SEX" together or with anybody! I believe children should be "ABLE" to do sex! And I can "ARGUE" that all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court! "SEX" is a great "GIFT" that Jesus gave us all!!!!
--Freddy Goode, serial killer, in a letter to one of his lawyers [misspellings, his].
"Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. But all the young girls who have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."
--Numbers 31:17 (Moses)
"I'm fighting so I can die a martyr and go to heaven to meet God. Our fight now is against the Americans."
-- Osama bin Laden,
quoted in CBS News, "Bin Laden: I Didn't Do It" (September 12, 2001)
"There are only two means by which men can deal with one another: guns or logic. Force or persuasion. Those who know that they cannot win by means of logic, have always resorted to guns."
- Ayn Rand

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
-sign at Jones Town